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Optimize Your Apache Cassandra® Cluster

Take 30 minutes to improve your open-source Cassandra clusters with a free diagnostic report and debrief discussion with a seasoned Cassandra expert.

How does your Apache Cassandra® cluster health compare to the best of the internet and Fortune 100?

DataStax provides a complete diagnostic scan of your cluster at no cost to help reduce risk, troubleshoot and improve your Cassandra configuration with a detailed review and consultation of your Cassandra cluster operation and configuration.

Sign up today to book a free Cassandra diagnostic summary of your cluster to answer:

  • How fast are the most used tables?
  • What are the slowest tables?
  • What are some real issues that may be affecting overall performance?
  • Are there some hidden issues that may affect performance if usage increases?
  • How difficult would an upgrade or migration be? I’m interested in using Astra, how easy would that be?

How the Cassandra Diagnostic Works

For the diagnostic we ask your team to run a collector script, which is a small bash script designed to be simple and understandable, in your environment.

This script collects metadata from the nodes and posts it to an AWS S3 bucket that is secure.

We use this information to analyze the health of the cluster. The script does not collect any Cassandra data files.

DataStax, is a registered trademark of DataStax, Inc.. Apache, Apache Cassandra, Cassandra, Apache Pulsar, and Pulsar are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
