
Simplify RAG App Development

RAGStack is the integrated RAG development solution. RAGStack’s out-of-the-box solution includes the best open-source tools for implementing RAG, giving developers a comprehensive GenAI Stack leveraging Langflow, LangChain, LlamaIndex, and more.

Production RAG Apps with LangChain, LLMs and Vector Search

Join Harrison Chase, founder and CEO of LangChain and Tisson Mathew, Founder and CEO of Skypoint as they share hard-earned insights deploying production RAG apps harnessing customer data with the power of LangChain, large language models (LLMs), and Vector Search.

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Ready-Made RAG Solution

Iterate and Experiment Faster

Improve developer productivity and system performance with orchestration and prompt templates, unstructured data store abstraction, natural language to structured query abstraction, agent memory abstraction, and LLM caching abstraction.

Iterate and Experiment Faster

Improved GenAI Performance

RAGStack is designed to enhance GenAI app performance with tested techniques for prompt engineering, prompt retrieval and different data types—reducing hallucinations and improving contextual relevance.

Improved GenAI Performance

Continuous Evolution, Seamless Updates

RAGStack is continually updated to include the latest RAG techniques (such as GraphRAG), to improve GenAI relevancy. RAGStack adds new open-source software to provide enterprise users a predictable upgrade path as new techniques emerge.

Continuous Evolution, Seamless Updates

Cutting-Edge Advancements, Robust Search Capabilities

RAGStack supports searching across all data types with faster, more accurate results. Improve search with Knowledge Graphs and implement hybrid searches with ColBERT.

Cutting-Edge Advancements, Robust Search Capabilities

Enterprise Governance and Compliance with Support

Develop with confidence! RAGStack is backed with enterprise support. RAGStack running with Astra DB meets HIPAA, TRUSTe, SOC2 compliance requirements.

Enterprise Governance and Compliance with Support

Scalability and Cost-Effectiveness

Scale easily with the increase in data and usage. RAGStack is designed to improve response times, scale easily with the increase in data and user base, and lower the cost of LLMs by caching a large percentage of calls.

Scalability and Cost-Effectiveness


Simplify and Accelerate RAG App Development

Langflow’s visual IDE gives 'drag and drop' access to prebuilt RAG components and flows. Build, iterate, and deploy AI applications with ease.

Langflow demo

Reduce Complexity with Langflow

Adding Langflow into RAGStack allows any GenAI app builder to design RAG applications, switch between embedding modes, LLMs, retrievers, etc. easily and test with real data without the need to write code or learn the ins and outs of new frameworks.

RAGStack Success Stories


Get Started with RAG Now

Accelerate your use of GenAI today with RAGStack, an out of the box solution designed to simplify the implementation of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) in AI applications.